Sunday, November 10, 2013

Color Waves Afghan

I began this blanket back in 2010 and it got shelved for three years, until I finished it in a frenzy and against a deadline last month.  It was a little frustrating to make because all those stripes made for a lot of ends to be woven in, but the end result was more than worth it.

I used Lion Brand Amazing yarn in various colorways. The pattern was the Wave Rider Throw.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Babette blanket, finished!!

Finally after seven months, it's done! I've said elsewhere that it's like a big bundle of neon colored happiness.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Mr Swirly

I made this for a charity craft fair that my work is having, but I won't be able to participate as I'll be out of town that day. I was so close to finishing this, though, that I went ahead and sewed it all together. My motivation ran out at weaving in all those ends, though.

Still, I rather like it. It's traditional sort of baby blanket colors without being deadly dull pastel. They are sort of...bright pastels.

Since I obviously can't bear to have less than four projects going at once, I went out today and bought 10 balls of Caron Simply Soft in off white for an afghan that I am going to make for my boss at work.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Yet another new project.

I started a new baby blanket. I have about four projects in progress. I find I get bored with one thing after a few days and do better if I have something else to switch to. The pattern is here.

And here is my version, with better colors than in the original pattern (click for a better look):

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Babette Blanket

This is the coolest pattern ever. It's from Interweave Crochet, Spring 2006. You can buy the pattern here. The best thing about it is that it's so easy to rearrange if you want to make it bigger or smaller. I decided to go with really bright colors:

I've added a few more colors since then. Here is what I have so far:

Mr Swirly Baby Blanket, 2009

They are having a United Way craft fair fundraiser at my work this summer. I've never done any kind of craft fair so I figured it might be a good way to give it a shot, being a fundraiser and limited to just my company.

I'm a fairly slow crocheter so I figure I'll start with smaller things, scarves and baby blankets.

This is the first baby blanket I'm trying. The squares are from a book called "Beyond the Square Crochet Motifs" by Edie Eckman. I named the blanket Mr Swirly because the blocks look a little swirly to me. The plan is to arrange the colors in rings around the multicolored square in the middle.

Lattice Scarf, 2009

Lattice Mesh Scarf for a coworker's daughter, in Lion Brand Homespun in Windsor. You'll need to be a Ravelry member to get to that pattern. But really it's just alternating front and back post double crochet to give a lot of texture. It feels very soft and squishy and stretchy. I was going to add a border but I kind of liked the way the edges look a little ruffled.